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Headline News

Last update: June 11, 1998 [Unit Info Main Menu] [Clans] Auto-updated: August 10, 1998
Human:  [Starting] [Ground] [Air] [Water] [Large Buildings] [Small Buildings] [Other]
Sheevat: [Starting] [Ground] [Air] [Water] [Large Buildings] [Small Buildings] [Other]
Strategy Central: [Art of War] [Single Player] [Multiplayer] [Campaigns 1 2 3 4] [Missions]
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Sun Tzu provides some very good basic advice (from centuries ago).  It was translated by Lionel Giles and adapted for MAX2 by ElDavid.

The Art of War by Sun Tzu


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If you would like to share some of your Tactics and Strategy Hints and Tips with fellow MAX2 players, please send them to:


Please include the nickname you would like them credited to.

Visitors to this page since May 19, 1998


If you find any errors please report them to CaptComal@hotmail.com so they can be corrected. Thanks.
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NOTE: This website is only in its preliminary stages at this time.  Any comments can be sent to CaptComal@hotmail.com

This site contains material that is copyright (c) 1998, Interplay
Productions. All rights reserved.