News Summary
Headline News

aangelr.gif (2897 bytes)max2heaven-flyin2fixed.gif (57985 bytes)aangel.gif (2932 bytes)
blkstar.gif (404 bytes)Contact Interplayblkstar.gif (404 bytes)Contact Gaming Editorsblkstar.gif (404 bytes)

Crashblkstar.gif (404 bytes)Bugs
blkstar.gif (404 bytes)Get Refundblkstar.gif (404 bytes)

"How in the hell could Interplay release a game with such major, glaring, near-fatal flaws? Didn't anybody know? Didn't anybody care?" - PC Gamer Nov 98

"Running a close second in the shovelware market is Interplay, which also takes second place (after Sierra) as The Company Who Hates Its Customers The Most" - PC Gamer Feb 99

Got Game?  Get Refund!

Last update: 10/08/98 blkstar.gif (404 bytes) Join the Crusade blkstar.gif (404 bytes) Auto-updated: 03/31/99
blkstar.gif (404 bytes)[Interplay Forum]blkstar.gif (404 bytes)
bluline.gif (11170 bytes)

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blkstar.gif (404 bytes)blkstar.gif (404 bytes)blkstar.gif (404 bytes)Tuesday, June 30, 1998blkstar.gif (404 bytes)blkstar.gif (404 bytes)blkstar.gif (404 bytes)
(from the Heavens)

It seems to be unanimous that it is hard to find people to play MAX2 multiplayer! The current MAX2.NET internet server option is still in its development phase and thus has some problems. Until they are working properly we recommend using KALI. Try it out for FREE (15 minute game limit, but you can reconnect as often as you like ... only $20 fee for free lifetime game playing on KALI ... and that means just about any multiplayer game with a LAN option).

The advantage of KALI is that there are over 600 servers and it is a stable system (I have personally used it for more than a year and can confirm that they are constantly improving it). The latest version is 1.31H.

There are many nice things about KALI:

You can check if someone you are looking for is on the KALI system right now (or when they last were on) with this command:

/whois CaptComal

You can watch a special GAMES OPEN window on the bottom left ... if you see a MAX2 game being offered there, just click on it to join.

I think this is enough for this "summary". See the MAX2 on KALI page for the details.

kalibutton.gif (2343 bytes) 

Meanwhile ... when I am on KALI ... it is usually on the IgLou server.

blkstar.gif (404 bytes)blkstar.gif (404 bytes)blkstar.gif (404 bytes)Tuesday, June 30, 1998blkstar.gif (404 bytes)blkstar.gif (404 bytes)blkstar.gif (404 bytes)
(from Interplay)

A MAX2 Theme pack for Windows95Plus is now available!

blkstar.gif (404 bytes)blkstar.gif (404 bytes)blkstar.gif (404 bytes)Monday, June 29, 1998blkstar.gif (404 bytes)blkstar.gif (404 bytes)blkstar.gif (404 bytes)
(from the Heavens)

Two new series of MAX2 game scenarios are now available!

Just For Kids scenarios are specially designed to allow little kids to play the same MAX2 game as the BIG KIDS.

By Kids. For Kids. scenarios are actually designed by little kids! If you like their game, send them a picture postcard of your city!

blkstar.gif (404 bytes)blkstar.gif (404 bytes)blkstar.gif (404 bytes)Sunday, June 28, 1998blkstar.gif (404 bytes)blkstar.gif (404 bytes)blkstar.gif (404 bytes)
(from Interplay)

The full set of MAX2 animated game cursors are now available to you. Full instructions are on the FILES page on how to install some or all of them as your normal Windows95 cursors!

blkstar.gif (404 bytes)blkstar.gif (404 bytes)blkstar.gif (404 bytes)Sunday, June 28, 1998blkstar.gif (404 bytes)blkstar.gif (404 bytes)blkstar.gif (404 bytes)
(from the Heavens)

A NEW Custom Scenario is available for you to download NOW! TanksEasy is designed just for little kids. Why? Because they want to play the same game you are ... and a normal MAX2 game is too hard. TanksEasy is ideal because the enemy can't shoot back ... they have only bulldozers! This appears to be the first custom scenario to be available for download anywhere, so try it out on our new Downloads page!

blkstar.gif (404 bytes)blkstar.gif (404 bytes)blkstar.gif (404 bytes)Saturday, June 27, 1998blkstar.gif (404 bytes)blkstar.gif (404 bytes)blkstar.gif (404 bytes)
(from the Interplay MAX2 Development Team)

The MAX2 Development Team has provided us this info:

1) Multiplayer games can only be between players using the same version of MAX2. Someone running the DEMO cannot play against someone with the Full Retail game.

2) You must be connected to the Internet prior to starting the game to play multiplayer via Internet.

3) There is a bug with Anti-Air Turrets.

4) They will be posting patches as soon as they can to fix the bugs.

5) They have an Auto-Patch feature planed to make future patching painless.

blkstar.gif (404 bytes)blkstar.gif (404 bytes)blkstar.gif (404 bytes)Saturday, June 27, 1998blkstar.gif (404 bytes)blkstar.gif (404 bytes)blkstar.gif (404 bytes)
(from the Heavens)

News Flash!

MAX2 runs on KALI without any special configuration ... and it runs fast too! If you have KALI you can try it yourself. Just add a MAX2 icon to your games bar at the bottom like this:

Click on GAMES in the menu bar then CONFIGURE MENU. Now just choose an empty slot and set MENU TITLE to be MAX2 then click BROWSE to get the program ... find the EXE file for MAX2 and set it as the program ... you are now ready to roll!

Duffy (webmaster of MAX2 HQ) and I tested it out today and it worked great.

To play a game, you and your opponent(s) just need to be on the same server. Then you all click on the MAX2 icon to start the game and choose Multiplayer -- LAN.  Then one of you start a game and announce it ... the rest just join it!

Piece of cake!

blkstar.gif (404 bytes)blkstar.gif (404 bytes)blkstar.gif (404 bytes)Saturday, June 27, 1998blkstar.gif (404 bytes)blkstar.gif (404 bytes)blkstar.gif (404 bytes)
(from the Heavens)

Internet Multiplayer Info!

If you play MAX2 on the internet via the MAX2.NET servers (via the game INTERNET option) then you are automatically RANKED!

You choose your screen name (nickname) when you sign on (you must provide a password for the name as well). From then on, when you play games via the MAX2 Internet option, the Interplay MAX2.NET server system will track your gameplay and rank you.  Your initial ranking is 1000. If you win a game, your ranking increases .. if you lose a game it goes down.   Just like Coca Cola, the formula for how this is done is a carefully guarded secret!

If you join a Chat Room on their server, your ranking will be displayed after your name in the list of who is in the room!

If for any reason your game is disconnected (not that uncommon) after you have played it for at least 5 minutes, then that is counted as a loss towards your ranking. Why? Lamer / Logger protection! Unfortunately there are players who will play a game for the first few minutes and then hangup/disconnect if they think they are losing! To allow for them, disconnects in the first 5 minutes are ignored.

Your ranking will be between 0 and 3000 ... the higher the better.

They are still tweaking the ranking system ... but be prepared for a shock!  I played a game for over an hour and it disconnected us (for no reason that we know of) and my ranking dropped from 1000 down to 500.  That is a drastic change!!!

WARNING! If you back out of a server and then try to rejoin, you must wait at least 60 seconds or your signon will be rejected (the system thinks you are still logged on from before).

blkstar.gif (404 bytes)blkstar.gif (404 bytes)blkstar.gif (404 bytes)Saturday, June 27, 1998blkstar.gif (404 bytes)blkstar.gif (404 bytes)blkstar.gif (404 bytes)
(from Interplay)

Interplay staff (including the MAX2 programmers!) can often be found online in the MAX2 servers. Their screen names (nicknames) usually begin with M2, such as M2Erik and M2Chris. Ask them questions and advise them of any difficulties!

blkstar.gif (404 bytes)blkstar.gif (404 bytes)blkstar.gif (404 bytes)Friday, June 26, 1998blkstar.gif (404 bytes)blkstar.gif (404 bytes)blkstar.gif (404 bytes)
(from Interplay)


Interplay has advised us that they have already completed a patch for MAX2 and it is submitted to QA (Quality Assurance?). Once it is signed off, it should be available for download. Watch this page (and Headline News) for details and availability!

blkstar.gif (404 bytes)blkstar.gif (404 bytes)blkstar.gif (404 bytes)Friday, June 26, 1998blkstar.gif (404 bytes)blkstar.gif (404 bytes)blkstar.gif (404 bytes)
(from Interplay Paul)


Paul (Interplay MAX2 head honcho) has informed us that the FULL DEMO should be released early this coming week (that would be Monday June 29 thru Weds July 1). He said it will include MULTIPLAY!

blkstar.gif (404 bytes)blkstar.gif (404 bytes)blkstar.gif (404 bytes)Friday, June 26, 1998blkstar.gif (404 bytes)blkstar.gif (404 bytes)blkstar.gif (404 bytes)
(from Software Etc.)


Software Etc says that MAX2 is now an ACTIVE TITLE. That means it is in their warehouse. Some Software Etc. stores had MAX2 on their shelves today! Players were online for Multiplayer games already tonight!

The rest of the stores should have it tomorrow! Remember ... if you see MAX2 in a store, please enter a log at our MAX2 WATCH LOGBOOK!

blkstar.gif (404 bytes)blkstar.gif (404 bytes)blkstar.gif (404 bytes)Friday, June 26, 1998blkstar.gif (404 bytes)blkstar.gif (404 bytes)blkstar.gif (404 bytes)
(from the Heavens)

In previous Beta releases, Interplay provided us with some "cheats" that we could use to expedite the testing.  One of these was [MAXSPY] which would show you the whole map and where every unit (including your enemy) was located. This was handy if after 15 turns you still have not seen the enemy to check that it was actually building stuff etc.

That was then. This is now ... so while playing a nice multiplayer game with the new 1.1a Beta release, type this:

(then hit ENTER)

You will be surprised at what happens.

NOTE: If you are a Beta Tester, you also should checkout the CREDITS (an option on the Main Menu).

blkstar.gif (404 bytes)blkstar.gif (404 bytes)blkstar.gif (404 bytes)Thursday, June 25, 1998blkstar.gif (404 bytes)blkstar.gif (404 bytes)blkstar.gif (404 bytes)
(from Interplay Paul)


Special CHAT to be held Friday, June 26 at 6pm USA Pacific time in the MAX2.NET Test Server on Chat Channel MAX2.

To get there you must be signed on to the internet ... then run the 1.1a Beta MAX2 game, choose Multiplayer, then Internet and connect to the Test Server (not the other one!) Then join the MAX2 Chat Channel!

blkstar.gif (404 bytes)blkstar.gif (404 bytes)blkstar.gif (404 bytes)Thursday, June 25, 1998blkstar.gif (404 bytes)blkstar.gif (404 bytes)blkstar.gif (404 bytes)
(from the Heavens)

Here are commands available (not all are implemented though) on MAX2.NET in the CHAT CHANNELs (syntax followed by an example on the left):

/whisper [playername] [message]
/whisper LeJohn Did you win that game?

Send a private message.


Clear chat history.

/set history [number of lines]
/set history 250

Set how many lines are available to scroll through.


Display the version of the game and Net API.

/set chatcolor [red#] [green#] [blue#]
/set chatcolor 255 0 255

Set the color of your chat messages.

/ban [playername]
/ban MrLamer

Kicks the player out and won't let them back in.

/set limit [number of players]
/set limit 4

Limits how many players can join a game.


See a list of commands available.


blkstar.gif (404 bytes)blkstar.gif (404 bytes)blkstar.gif (404 bytes)Wednesday, June 24, 1998blkstar.gif (404 bytes)blkstar.gif (404 bytes)blkstar.gif (404 bytes)
(from the Heavens)

NEW!  Take the MAX2 TOUR.   Tour all the MAX2 websites complete with appropriate background MIDI music!

blkstar.gif (404 bytes)blkstar.gif (404 bytes)blkstar.gif (404 bytes)Wednesday, June 24, 1998blkstar.gif (404 bytes)blkstar.gif (404 bytes)blkstar.gif (404 bytes)
(from Interplay's Website)

The final release of MAX2 will have 36 campaign missions (four campaigns of nine missions each) as well as 23 Stand Alone missions.

blkstar.gif (404 bytes)blkstar.gif (404 bytes)blkstar.gif (404 bytes)Wednesday, June 24, 1998blkstar.gif (404 bytes)blkstar.gif (404 bytes)blkstar.gif (404 bytes)
(from personal correspondence from Interplay)

MAX2 Beta release 1.1a is now out. This version is to test multiplayer over the internet. Get it from the same place as the previous Beta release. To play, connect to the MAX2 server, JOIN the TEST SERVER, and then create CHAT ROOMS or START GAMES.

There are new pages on the Interplay MAX2 site starting here:


blkstar.gif (404 bytes)blkstar.gif (404 bytes)blkstar.gif (404 bytes)Wednesday, June 24, 1998blkstar.gif (404 bytes)blkstar.gif (404 bytes)blkstar.gif (404 bytes)
(from personal correspondence from Interplay)

Both Paul and Chris at Interplay have confirmed that the IRC CHAT for Thursday June 25 is still scheduled! 6pm USA Pacific time, chat.annex.com, #interplay.

Paul also advised that they plan on sending out an EMail today to the Beta testers regarding the new Beta release (which they are hoping will be out today).

blkstar.gif (404 bytes)blkstar.gif (404 bytes)blkstar.gif (404 bytes)Wednesday, June 24, 1998blkstar.gif (404 bytes)blkstar.gif (404 bytes)blkstar.gif (404 bytes)
(from the Heavens)

Now that the EXECPC half of Heaven is up ... the TRIPOD half is having problems. Must be those fallen angels stirring up trouble again! If you get a NOT FOUND error, just reload and try it again ... it usually works the second time! Holy Smoke!

blkstar.gif (404 bytes)blkstar.gif (404 bytes)blkstar.gif (404 bytes)Tuesday, June 23, 1998blkstar.gif (404 bytes)blkstar.gif (404 bytes)blkstar.gif (404 bytes)
(from personal correspondence from Interplay)

We received an EMail from Meghan at Interplay confirming the MAX2 IRC CHAT for Thursday, July 2, 1998 (same time, server, channel as usual: 6pm USA Pacific time, chat.annex.com, #interplay)

She also advised us of a special Chat being scheduled for Thursday July 9 at #gamepost hosted by GamesLink. Here is how to join that chat:

1) Run mIRC
2) In mIRC SETUP set IRC Servers to:
    Random US DALnet server
3) Connect to the DALnet server
4) At the command line type:
    This connects you to a random GamesLink server
5) Once you are connected, type at the command line:

The signature line of her EMail included this note: "M.A.X.2's coming your way in June 1998".

This info was confirmed on the MAX2 WATCH page by kebler_the_elf! Thanks Kebler!

blkstar.gif (404 bytes)blkstar.gif (404 bytes)blkstar.gif (404 bytes)Tuesday, June 23, 1998blkstar.gif (404 bytes)blkstar.gif (404 bytes)blkstar.gif (404 bytes)
(from the Heavens)

The Heavens have been restored to their full splendor. All fallen angels have been banished to you know where. (was that politically correct? :)  )

blkstar.gif (404 bytes)blkstar.gif (404 bytes)blkstar.gif (404 bytes)Tuesday, June 23, 1998blkstar.gif (404 bytes)blkstar.gif (404 bytes)blkstar.gif (404 bytes)
(from reliable sources)

Holy Smoke Maxman! The Heavens have fallen!

Well, not quite. Only half of heaven is down :)

Luckily MAX2 HEAVEN is implemented half on TRIPOD which is still up and running. The EXECPC half is not responding however. Hopefully their server will be back up shortly!

blkstar.gif (404 bytes)blkstar.gif (404 bytes)blkstar.gif (404 bytes)Tuesday, June 23, 1998blkstar.gif (404 bytes)blkstar.gif (404 bytes)blkstar.gif (404 bytes)
(from reliable sources)

Wow ... if you were wondering what the Sheevat language was like, here is a sample of their text:

atext.gif (1383 bytes)

blkstar.gif (404 bytes)blkstar.gif (404 bytes)blkstar.gif (404 bytes)Monday, June 22, 1998blkstar.gif (404 bytes)blkstar.gif (404 bytes)blkstar.gif (404 bytes)
(from the Interplay website News Release)

Since there is no word coming from Interplay for the past few days, it seems like the right time to look back at an Interplay news release from over a year ago ... yes, May 9, 1997.  You should really read it since it appears to be the initial announcement of MAX2 and has some very interesting parts in it. Here is how it starts:

"Military Mad For More M.A.X.!
M.A.X. 2 To Explode November 1997

Real-time gameplay option provides mind-blowing Mach speed excitement

Irvine, California -- May 9, 1997 -- Within months of offering M.A.X. to the Pentagon, Interplay Productions announces M.A.X. 2, the highly anticipated sequel to the critically acclaimed turn-based strategy game, M.A.X.: Mechanized Assault & Exploration. Although the Pentagon could not accept their copy of M.A.X. due to specific regulations, response from other military personnel has been overwhelming."

And just where did we find this news release ... none other than the E3 Show news from LAST YEAR!

blkstar.gif (404 bytes)blkstar.gif (404 bytes)blkstar.gif (404 bytes)Monday, June 22, 1998blkstar.gif (404 bytes)blkstar.gif (404 bytes)blkstar.gif (404 bytes)
(from the MAX2 Watch Page)

The MAX2 WATCH LOGBOOK is definitely earning its keep! It is turning us so many good items that we have created a special page just to introduce the page and provide a summary of sightings thus far. New addition:

AckCellerator reports sighting a MAX2 book for sale at MacMillan Computer Publishing: MAX2 Official Strategy Guide for $19.99.

blkstar.gif (404 bytes)blkstar.gif (404 bytes)blkstar.gif (404 bytes)Sunday, June 21, 1998blkstar.gif (404 bytes)blkstar.gif (404 bytes)blkstar.gif (404 bytes)
(from the MAX2 Watch Page)

The MAX2 WATCH Page is off to a good start. Even before MAX2 has gone SILVER we do have some valid MAX2 sightings. Here is a quick summary:

James reports seeing a real live MAX2 box at his local Electronics Boutique store stamped "Coming Soon".

CaptComal reports sighting MAX2 as a preorder on Chips & Bits website for $44.95

Destroyer reports sighting MAX2 as a pre-buy on EBWORLD's website for $49.99

blkstar.gif (404 bytes)blkstar.gif (404 bytes)blkstar.gif (404 bytes)Sunday, June 21, 1998blkstar.gif (404 bytes)blkstar.gif (404 bytes)blkstar.gif (404 bytes)
(from the Heavens)

A picture of the box cover for MAX2 is on our Headline News page.

blkstar.gif (404 bytes)blkstar.gif (404 bytes)blkstar.gif (404 bytes)Saturday, June 20, 1998blkstar.gif (404 bytes)blkstar.gif (404 bytes)blkstar.gif (404 bytes)
(from the Heavens)

Statistics are now showing that it is quite dangerous to run a MAX2 Website.

Duffy is the webmaster at MAX2 HQ. Here is his tale as reported on his site:

Hello everybody, M.A.X. 2 HQ is back after some MAJOR setbacks. First of all, your dear webmaster Duffy managed to break his collarbone while rollerblading (I was going quite fast and it looked spectacular, so I might say, it was almost worth it <g>). Then, somehow, my dear Mystique passed away after long and faithful service, so additional few days without comp. And the major breakdown - I had to reformat my primary partition (kids, never try to start the old MS-DOS version with Windoze OSR2 !). So, I'm back again and I have to report a lot of stuff ...

Guile is the webmaster at MAX2 Alliance. Here is his tale as reported on his site:

Back from the grave!!!   Welp, after having a really bad computer crash, I am back. Somehow I got a really bad bug in my computer and it ate anything and everything it could find. On to some news...

CaptComal is the webmaster at MAX2 Heaven (hey, that's this site!). Here is his tale as reported right now:

For three days now I have been trying to get Microsoft Office to work again on my computer. I installed the new Office 97 over Office 95 and had nothing but problems. Not only would Office applications not run ... most everything else quit running as well. I have tried uninstalling it and reinstalling it three times now with no luck.  I couldn't even run Windows Explorer! Luckily I have an extra PC to use in the meantime.

I am afraid to ask the other MAX2 webmasters if their lives became more dangerous after starting websites for MAX2!

blkstar.gif (404 bytes)blkstar.gif (404 bytes)blkstar.gif (404 bytes)Saturday, June 20, 1998blkstar.gif (404 bytes)blkstar.gif (404 bytes)blkstar.gif (404 bytes)
(from the Heavens)

The Interplay web server was done for several hours today. It is unknown if this has any connection to the delay in releasing MAX2.  Probably not, but there is no other news at this time :)

blkstar.gif (404 bytes)blkstar.gif (404 bytes)blkstar.gif (404 bytes)Friday, June 19, 1998blkstar.gif (404 bytes)blkstar.gif (404 bytes)blkstar.gif (404 bytes)
(from the Heavens!)

MAX2 MADNESS website has joined our MAX2 WATCH and is asking their readers to help with the project.   A second entry has already been made, so remember to keep watching MAX2 WATCH!

blkstar.gif (404 bytes)blkstar.gif (404 bytes)blkstar.gif (404 bytes)Friday, June 19, 1998blkstar.gif (404 bytes)blkstar.gif (404 bytes)blkstar.gif (404 bytes)
(from personal correspondence from Interplay)

MAX2 still has not been SILVER MASTERED as of 5pm USA Pacific time! They are on their third GOLD MASTER now ... so let's hope this one will be ready to go.

blkstar.gif (404 bytes)blkstar.gif (404 bytes)blkstar.gif (404 bytes)Friday, June 19, 1998blkstar.gif (404 bytes)blkstar.gif (404 bytes)blkstar.gif (404 bytes)
(from the Heavens!)

MAX2 WATCH has been started!

Now that MAX2 has gone GOLD it should be off to the duplicators today ... and then it is just DAYS before it hits the store shelves!

Let's have some fun watching for MAX2.  If you sight MAX2 in a store, drop everything, rush to the nearest Internet connection, and jump to our special MAX2 WATCH page.  Fill out your SIGHTING report there ... include the CITY and the STORE where you saw MAX2 ... PLUS the selling price!

It will be a race to see where MAX2 will show up first ... and then it will be interesting to see how the prices compare!

To be fully prepared for this I recommend you check out the new MAX2 WATCH page now.  To make it extremely easy for you to get to the page in a hurry, I have put a link to it at the very top of every page in this site ... right in the center under the MAX2 HEAVEN flying logo!

blkstar.gif (404 bytes)blkstar.gif (404 bytes)blkstar.gif (404 bytes)Friday, June 19, 1998blkstar.gif (404 bytes)blkstar.gif (404 bytes)blkstar.gif (404 bytes)
(from the webmaster)

Real Life Thunderstorms hit webmaster!

Yes, some of us really do have real lives!  And SEVERE Thunderstorms did really roll through here last night. They included tons of rain, flash flood warnings, winds gusting to 80 mph and more!   I had to unplug all my computers during this so they would not get fried!  It has passed now, and we did have a momentary power outage, but it looks like we are ready to roll here again!

However, the virtual Thunderstorms in MAX2 HEAVEN are spreading (they just hit the HOME / MAIN MENU page) and we may soon have a BLACKOUT here at this site!  Remember, I warned you!

Strategy Central (a.k.a. Weather Central) still advises clear skies as soon as the multiplayer Beta is released.

blkstar.gif (404 bytes)blkstar.gif (404 bytes)blkstar.gif (404 bytes)Thursday, June 18, 1998blkstar.gif (404 bytes)blkstar.gif (404 bytes)blkstar.gif (404 bytes)
(from the Interplay Beta Message Forum)

Info on Interplay's internet game server:

The server is not doing that much work. It merely passes small text bits back and forth, since once a game is launched it doesn't pass through the server at all! The most important component in the server is the amount of RAM, so it has room to keep track of everything. It is not doing any strenuous computing, so it does not have to have a super fast processor. The server they have set up now is Pentium II, 233 with 128Meg RAM. It should be able to handle 8,000 simultaneous users. If necessary, Interplay will add more servers.

One problem is if too many people attempt to logon or try to open an account at the very same second.   Chatting and Hosting is a piece of cake by comparison!

blkstar.gif (404 bytes)blkstar.gif (404 bytes)blkstar.gif (404 bytes)Thursday, June 18, 1998blkstar.gif (404 bytes)blkstar.gif (404 bytes)blkstar.gif (404 bytes)
(from personal correspondence with Interplay)

Master Colors revealed:

A GOLD master is when Interplay decides the game is FINAL.  It then is tested to be sure it is a good copy.

A SILVER master is the one sent to the duplicator (yes, this is the GOLD master just being shipped out, but now it is called SILVER).

The duplicator makes their own copy ready to duplicate, and this is called the GLASS master. It is sent back to Interplay for final approval to copy thousands of times.

blkstar.gif (404 bytes)blkstar.gif (404 bytes)blkstar.gif (404 bytes)Thursday, June 18, 1998blkstar.gif (404 bytes)blkstar.gif (404 bytes)blkstar.gif (404 bytes)
(from the Interplay Beta Message Forum)


MAX2 has been GOLD MASTERED this morning. Interplay's 40 internal testers (plus the MAX2 Development Team) will bang on this version all day, and if all goes well, it goes to the manufacturer (then it will be called SILVER MASTERED). Interplay has seen good performance in all their internal Beta releases this last week, so it looks like it may be ready to go!

The next Beta released to testers will be for multiplayer testing. Any major bugs found there should really only be on Interplay's end and they can fix the server side even after the game has gone to press. Interplay wants to stress test their server (a Pentium II 233 with 128 Meg RAM), and that is a primary goal of the coming Beta Release.  Beta is now scheduled for this weekend or early next week.

There are now 46 Campaign Missions and 23 Stand Alone Missions (each of these is a game scenario ... MAX2 comes with a Scenario Editor so you can design your own as well).

blkstar.gif (404 bytes)blkstar.gif (404 bytes)blkstar.gif (404 bytes)Wednesday, June 17, 1998blkstar.gif (404 bytes)blkstar.gif (404 bytes)blkstar.gif (404 bytes)
(from the Heavens!)

Just as I finished adding a NEW MAX2 site to our LINKS PAGE, thunderstorms rolled in.  Keep your umbrella up and head on over to check out the newest addition to the MAX2 web sites.  If you have a MAX2 web site, send me an EMail so I can add you to the LINKS PAGE too!

Strategy Central (a.k.a. Weather Central) still advises clear skies as soon as the multiplayer Beta is released.

blkstar.gif (404 bytes)blkstar.gif (404 bytes)blkstar.gif (404 bytes)Tuesday, June 16, 1998blkstar.gif (404 bytes)blkstar.gif (404 bytes)blkstar.gif (404 bytes)
(from the Heavens!)

Thunderstorms over at Headline News have moved into the full MAX2 NEWS page (which you are now reading). Weather Central still advises no clearing until the multiplayer Beta is released!

blkstar.gif (404 bytes)blkstar.gif (404 bytes)blkstar.gif (404 bytes)Tuesday, June 16, 1998blkstar.gif (404 bytes)blkstar.gif (404 bytes)blkstar.gif (404 bytes)
(from personal correspondence with Interplay)

Updated System Requirements! Yes, we got the latest system requirements from Paul Kellner today and they are posted on our new About MAX2 page!

blkstar.gif (404 bytes)blkstar.gif (404 bytes)blkstar.gif (404 bytes)Tuesday, June 16, 1998blkstar.gif (404 bytes)blkstar.gif (404 bytes)blkstar.gif (404 bytes)
(from the Heavens!)


The Heavens are restless ... MAX2 Heaven that is!

Now that the multiplayer beta has been delayed 6 days, dark clouds have rolled into MAX2 HEAVEN. From the looks of it, the sky probably won't clear until the multiplayer beta is released! The storm includes roaring thunder, so beware! View the storm if you dare!

blkstar.gif (404 bytes)blkstar.gif (404 bytes)blkstar.gif (404 bytes)Monday, June 15, 1998blkstar.gif (404 bytes)blkstar.gif (404 bytes)blkstar.gif (404 bytes)
(from personal correspondence from Paul Kellner)


Update on some of the tentative dates regarding MAX2.

MAX2 is now scheduled to go SILVER on June 19, 1998.

The next MAX2 Beta Release is now expected on June 22, 1998.

The next official IRC Chat is now planned for June 25, 1998.

MAX2 Release Date is still set for END OF JUNE!

blkstar.gif (404 bytes)blkstar.gif (404 bytes)blkstar.gif (404 bytes)Saturday, June 13, 1998blkstar.gif (404 bytes)blkstar.gif (404 bytes)blkstar.gif (404 bytes)
(from me to you)

MAX2 Heaven has been reunited!

The original MAX2 Heaven site grew too large for the small amount of space that I had on EXECPC. So the MAX2 HEAVEN ANNEX was started ... a second site (free on Tripod) that was cross linked with the original.  To differentiate between the two sites, the second one was code named STRATEGY CENTRAL.  However, Strategy Central grew as well and soon included, Headline News, News Summaries, Chat Logs, Screen Shots, Maps, Movies and even the full text of Art of War by Sun Tzu!  Strategy Central no longer fit the upstart Tripod secondary site ... it was as good as the original!

So now the two sites are joined as one: MAX2 HEAVEN. The pages will look the same regardless of which site you are viewing, thanks to a combined and better looking heading on the page! But we are not done in Heaven yet. A few more finishing touches are underway, so stay tuned.  And watch for Strategy Central to take off once MAX2 is released!

If you have any comments about the site, please send them to me at captcomal@hotmail.com

blkstar.gif (404 bytes)blkstar.gif (404 bytes)blkstar.gif (404 bytes)Friday, June 12, 1998blkstar.gif (404 bytes)blkstar.gif (404 bytes)blkstar.gif (404 bytes)
(from the MAX2 Beta Message Forum)

Read all about it! If you want to see what people are saying about MAX2 already, there are several sites with Previews and Interviews already. We have the list all in one place for you on our new Previews, Reviews and Articles page.

blkstar.gif (404 bytes)blkstar.gif (404 bytes)blkstar.gif (404 bytes)Friday, June 12, 1998blkstar.gif (404 bytes)blkstar.gif (404 bytes)blkstar.gif (404 bytes)
(from the Interplay MAX2 site)

If you haven't seen them yet, 24 MAX2 maps (worlds) are available for your viewing pleasure. Click on any of the thumbnail maps for a full sized one. Two of the maps have been used in the Beta releases. The map used for the Beta Demo is not included in this set.

blkstar.gif (404 bytes)blkstar.gif (404 bytes)blkstar.gif (404 bytes)Thursday, June 11, 1998blkstar.gif (404 bytes)blkstar.gif (404 bytes)blkstar.gif (404 bytes)
(from the MAX2 Beta Message Forum)

There will not be an official MAX2 Beta Testers IRC Chat tonight per Chris.

blkstar.gif (404 bytes)blkstar.gif (404 bytes)blkstar.gif (404 bytes)Thursday, June 11, 1998blkstar.gif (404 bytes)blkstar.gif (404 bytes)blkstar.gif (404 bytes)
(from the preliminary MAX2 manual and .145 game screens)

Information about how units ATTACK.

By default, if out of range, an attacking unit will move towards its target and will attack when the target is within range. Some units cannot shoot once they move in a turn, so they would only move and wait until the next turn to shoot.

You can change this unit behavior on a unit by unit basis. Select a unit then click on it again to get this popup choice list:


Select AUTOFIRE and get a new popup choice list:


If you don't want your unit to automatically start attacking enemy units without your direct orders, then set this to NONE. If you only want it to attack enemy combat units, then set it to THREATS. ALL is the default so that it will automatically attack any enemy units.  Note that a unit ordered to AUTOFIRE on enemies will fire on the first enemy to enter its range and will continue to fire at that unit until the target dies or moves out of range.

The other setting that you control is AUTOMOVE. Click on AUTOMOVE and get this new popup choice list:


By default this is set at ADVANCE. This means that when your unit has an attack target, if it is out of range, your unit will move towards the enemy target until it is in range automatically. If you want your unit to just stay where it is (and let the enemy come to you), then set AUTOMOVE to HOLD. If you want your unit to run away whenever it sees an enemy unit, set this to RETREAT.

Your stationary Turrets/Pods have similar settings for AUTOFIRE (but of course, not AUTOMOVE).

blkstar.gif (404 bytes)blkstar.gif (404 bytes)blkstar.gif (404 bytes)Thursday, June 11, 1998blkstar.gif (404 bytes)blkstar.gif (404 bytes)blkstar.gif (404 bytes)
(from the preliminary MAX2 manual)


There are four ways to get upgrades for your units and buildings.

First ... you get certain upgrades automatically right from the start of the game depending on which CLAN you select to play as. For information about these upgrades see CLANS.

Second ... some units are upgraded through experience. Infiltrators and EW Pods improve their chances of successful disable/steal attacks as they complete attacks successfully.  Concord and Sheevat combat units (including Sheevat Stationary guns) get upgrades to their statistics as they destroy enemy units and buildings.

The other two ways to get upgrades is to research them in a Research Center and to buy them at a Gold Mining Station (Gold Harvester). The statistics you can upgrade include attack, shots, range, armor, hits, speed, scan and cost (plus shields for the Sheevat).  If you upgrade COST, then it will take fewer turns to build the units and structures.

Research takes a long time to conduct.  You can speed up this rate by building more Research Centers and have them work jointly.

blkstar.gif (404 bytes)blkstar.gif (404 bytes)blkstar.gif (404 bytes)Thursday, June 11, 1998blkstar.gif (404 bytes)blkstar.gif (404 bytes)blkstar.gif (404 bytes)
(from Interplay's web site)

There is a promotional movie for MAX2 that you can download (in .MOV format).  Download the .MOV format (7.2Meg) or the .ZIP format (6.5Meg).

blkstar.gif (404 bytes)blkstar.gif (404 bytes)blkstar.gif (404 bytes)Wednesday, June 10, 1998blkstar.gif (404 bytes)blkstar.gif (404 bytes)blkstar.gif (404 bytes)
(from Interplay's web site)

Twelve new screen shots are available with thumbnail previews on our new Screen Shots page.  Be sure to check out the 4th one ... it has a very interesting item built into the landscape!  You can't really tell from the thumbnail, so be sure to double click it to see the full sized version ... it is only 200K and won't take too long to load.

blkstar.gif (404 bytes)blkstar.gif (404 bytes)blkstar.gif (404 bytes)Monday, June 8, 1998blkstar.gif (404 bytes)blkstar.gif (404 bytes)blkstar.gif (404 bytes)
(from Interplay News Release)

June 8, 1998


Irvine, California - PCs around the globe will be ablaze this summer with the fast-action, real-time strategy game, M.A.X.2: Mechanized Assault & Exploration(tm), the highly anticipated sequel to M.A.X.(tm) from Flat Cat, a division of Interplay Productions. When the M.A.X.2 web site launched in November 1997, responses flooded in from all over the globe including every major country and every state in the U.S. - over 10,000 interested applicants responded to Flat Cat's open invitation to beta-test M.A.X.2. With the help of a select group of beta-testers, the M.A.X.2 development team has been hard at work implementing unique features to make this the ultimate strategy game for their discerning audience.

One of the most exciting additions to M.A.X.2 is the free Internet matching service option. M.A.X.2 will be the first Flat Cat title to incorporate this feature for gamers interested in battling it out with their friends via the Internet. With the click of a button, gamers will be able to log on to MAX2.net, a dedicated Internet server. Players from around the world will be able to chat, view opponent records/ping times as well as play the game. Game statistics will also be kept on the server, allowing players to match themselves against others of equal skill.

"We originally received the suggestion of Internet play after the release of M.A.X.," said Flat Cat producer, Paul Kellner. "For real-time strategy games, this is a must-have feature and we're excited to be the first Flat Cat title to have this option."

Other suggestions that are being added include, but are not limited to, spy cams, an isometric view, terrain modifiers, and customizable interfaces for both the human and alien players. The M.A.X.2 team is also giving gamers a chance to enhance their gaming experience by launching two contests that can be found on the M.A.X.2 web site. One contest asks the gamer to name one of the human robot units. The best name (as voted on by the M.A.X.2 development team) will be incorporated into the game, along with the name of the contest winner. The "design your own M.A.X.2 web site" contest has dedicated fans competing against each other to create the best M.A.X.2 web site (again, decided on by the M.A.X.2 team) to win a library of popular Interplay titles, as well as getting their name posted on the M.A.X.2 web site. All submitted sites will also be connected to each other and the M.A.X.2 web site to form the M.A.X.2 web ring.

Additional information about M.A.X.2 can be found on the M.A.X.2 web site at http://www.interplay.com/max2/index.html.

M.A.X.2 will be available on CD-ROM in summer 1998 for Windows(r) 95 based PCs and 100% compatibles.

Flat Cat, a division of Interplay Productions, is devoted to developing leading edge strategy games. Flat Cat strives to push the envelope of the strategy genre with solid gameplay within new and extreme environments as well as in familiar ones such as the Star Trek universe. More comprehensive information on Flat Cat and its products is available through its worldwide web site at http://www.interplay.com.

# # #

Note: All trademarks and copyrights are the property of their respective owners..

blkstar.gif (404 bytes)blkstar.gif (404 bytes)blkstar.gif (404 bytes)Saturday, June 6, 1998blkstar.gif (404 bytes)blkstar.gif (404 bytes)blkstar.gif (404 bytes)
(from the preliminary MAX2 manual)

Multiplayer games are automatically saved (into slot 10) every minute to the hard drives of ALL players!

This is how PAUSE works in multiplayer / Simultaneous Turn games: "You accumulate time for 'time-outs' as the game continues. Click on the Pause Button to take such a time-out. You will automatically be returned to the active game if you run out of time. If all players pause, no player loses any accumulated pause time."

Grid colors on the map now include YELLOW (rough terrain) and ORANGE (hills). You cannot build on these squares. Ground units have double movement costs to traverse YELLOW (except infantry is normal cost). Only Infantry ground units can cross ORANGE and have double movement cost to do so.

Units that are available for purchase during game set up are:

Human Sheevat
Constructor Constructor
Engineer Engineer
Scout Scout
Scanner Scanner
Tank Shock Tank
Assault Gun Lightning Cannon
Mobile Anti Aircraft Mobile Anti Aircraft
Missile Crawler BioBomb Crawler
n/a Stasis Projector
Repair Unit n/a
Rocket Launcher n/a
Minelayer n/a
Bulldozer Bulldozer

(Note: the preliminary manual is in error by not listing Bulldozer as a starting unit according to personal correspondence from Interplay)

blkstar.gif (404 bytes)blkstar.gif (404 bytes)blkstar.gif (404 bytes)Friday, June 5, 1998blkstar.gif (404 bytes)blkstar.gif (404 bytes)blkstar.gif (404 bytes)
(from the preliminary MAX2 manual)

There will be 60 stand-alone games and missions included with MAX2 (three human campaigns and one Sheevat campaign, nine missions in each plus 18 human stand-alone missions and 6 Sheevat stand-alone missions). This should provide plenty of entertainment in itself ... but MAX2 also will come with a Scenario Editor that will allow anyone to create their own stand-alone game or mission.  And of course, this is all only the single player part of the game. Multiplayer adds another whole dimension to MAX2.

Don't you just hate it when you just can't seem to win at a mission and the game won't let you go on to the next one until you win all the previous missions? Well, MAX2 will alleviate this frustration. It will allow you to SKIP one mission in each campaign!

Playing Real Time games ... the last person to adjust the game speed determines the current speed at which the game runs. The game speed is always the same for all players.

Line Of Sight ... Only missile units, Rocket Launchers and BioBomb units can fire at units not directly in their Line Of Sight.

Victory conditions ... for Kill All Mining stations ... you don't have to actually destroy all the enemy mining stations ... disabling (via Infiltrator) or freezing (via Stasis Projector) them is enough! Likewise for Kill All Units ... any unit that is not visible is not counted. Therefore, you can lose if the enemy destroys (or disables / freezes) all your visible units even if you have submerged APCs, infiltrators, Psi-Spawn (and cloaked Spawn), or submarines!

Want more? Read the Full Preliminary Manual (use Copy / Paste to get it into any word processor).

blkstar.gif (404 bytes)blkstar.gif (404 bytes)blkstar.gif (404 bytes)Thursday, June 4, 1998blkstar.gif (404 bytes)blkstar.gif (404 bytes)blkstar.gif (404 bytes)
(from MAX2 IRC Chat with Chris)

The MAX2 team has been banging on the multiplayer code heavily in-house for about a week now. As soon as they fix the known crash bugs, they will have a full-blown multiplayer beta test.

Much of the final artwork is included in the BETA DEMO.

It looks like the Interplay Internet site for MAX2 multiplayer games may be called MAX2.NET ... it will include chatrooms, ladder games, win/loss stats, etc.

There are about 450 active Beta Testers out of about 10,500 that signed up. Current Beta Testers are encouraged to test the BETA DEMO and submit bug reports on it.

Sheevat abilities and stats are still being discussed by the MAX2 team.

MAX2 is trying to advance the state of the industry with the auto commands, which are basically options that players can use.  Example, select your group of Constructors at the start of the game (should only be about 2 or 3 of them) and with one command set their AUTOMOVE mode to RETREAT. This setting has them run away from an attacking enemy on their own.

MAX2 is still on track for June 15 SILVERing to be in stores late June.

Want to know EVERYTHING that was said at this CHAT? Full Chat Log!

blkstar.gif (404 bytes)blkstar.gif (404 bytes)blkstar.gif (404 bytes)Thursday, June 4, 1998blkstar.gif (404 bytes)blkstar.gif (404 bytes)blkstar.gif (404 bytes)
(from MAX2 Heaven site statistics)

Of all the units in MAX2, the Concord Attack Plane has had the most interest, followed by the Missile Crawler and Giant Robot. Of all the Sheevat units the Lightning Cannon and BioBomb Ship have been viewed the most.  Of all the unit comparison pages, there is by far the most interest in the Human Starting Units, Human Ground Units and Human Air Units.

If you are viewing the MAX2 unit stats, remember that you can compare the Human unit with the comparable Sheevat unit quite easily. Directly under the Stats Chart will be a "Similar to" link. Just RIGHT CLICK on that link and choose "OPEN IN NEW WINDOW" from the pop up menu. The original unit will remain displayed, and a NEW browser window will display the similar unit. Now just adjust the windows to compare the stats that you are interested in.  To compare to other related units, just scroll down the page for a complete list of ALL units in MAX2.

blkstar.gif (404 bytes)blkstar.gif (404 bytes)blkstar.gif (404 bytes)Wednesday, June 3, 1998blkstar.gif (404 bytes)blkstar.gif (404 bytes)blkstar.gif (404 bytes)
(from personal correspondence from Interplay)

Tomorrow should be another official MAX2 Beta Testers chat on the IRC. Same MAX2 time, same MAX2 channel!

The MAX2 ALLIANCE site has alerted us to a report on MAX2 at the E3 show. Check out GameStats E3Coverage (this is the MAX2 coverage section).

blkstar.gif (404 bytes)blkstar.gif (404 bytes)blkstar.gif (404 bytes)Tuesday, June 2, 1998blkstar.gif (404 bytes)blkstar.gif (404 bytes)blkstar.gif (404 bytes)
(from Interplay's EMail)

Interplay is having List Server headaches again. Not all Beta Testers received the EMail as planned. Therefore, here is the full text of the EMail for all testers who did not receive it:

Greetings! Sorry its been so long hearing from us. We've been working hard over the last few weeks (months :) fixing bugs. Thanks in large part to your help, we've been able to release a "Beta Demo" to the general public. If you'd like to see it, it's on the max2 web site on the downloads page:


The beta demo just has one mission, so it's much more limited than the version you're used to, but it does have some of the Sheevat units in it. There are also some other interesting things on the download page in case you haven't been there yet, including a text and pdf version of our manual.

It's looking like there will only be one more beta release..containing the internet code. You'll be able to log onto our server and test out the functionality of our new matching service. This will start in less than 2 weeks.

Thanks once again for all your help.. we'll be writing again soon to let you know when the next version will be ready.

the MAX2 team..



If you find any errors please report them to
CaptComal@hotmail.com so they can be corrected. Thanks.
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[Official Interplay M.A.X.2 Site]

NOTE: This website is only in its preliminary stages at this time.  Any comments can be sent to CaptComal@hotmail.com

This site contains material that is copyright (c) 1998, Interplay Productions. All rights reserved.