News Summary
Headline News

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blkstar.gif (404 bytes)Contact Interplayblkstar.gif (404 bytes)Contact Gaming Editorsblkstar.gif (404 bytes)

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blkstar.gif (404 bytes)Get Refundblkstar.gif (404 bytes)

"How in the hell could Interplay release a game with such major, glaring, near-fatal flaws? Didn't anybody know? Didn't anybody care?" - PC Gamer Nov 98

"Running a close second in the shovelware market is Interplay, which also takes second place (after Sierra) as The Company Who Hates Its Customers The Most" - PC Gamer Feb 99

Got Game?  Get Refund!

Last update: 08/25/98 blkstar.gif (404 bytes) Join the Crusade blkstar.gif (404 bytes) Auto-updated: 03/31/99
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Thanks for joing the MAX2 Watch!   Your mission, should you accept it, is to watch for MAX2 items of any kind including the game, books or other marketing items.  We have set up a special logbook for your reports.  Let us know where you saw it (the city and store) and what you saw with its selling price.  By sharing this information we can track MAX2 as it infiltrates the world!

Remember, the MAX2 Watch Logbook is NOT a chat board or message board.  It is only for reports on MAX2 sightings!  We also will be posting humorous logs from CC and Maxwell Smart ... hope you enjoy them while we wait!

Let's see who will be the first to spot MAX2 on a store shelf.

OK ... mission briefing is over ... head to the MAX2 WATCH LOGBOOK.

Here is a summary of MAX2 sightings thus far (with the most recent ones on the top!):

CaptComal 7/8/98 8:34pm Best Buy, Madison, WI $49.95 and CompUSA, Madison, WI $54.99
Wayne 7/6/98 7:15pm Australia Gamesman Store, Sydney (no price listed)
Ryan 7/5/98 10:26pm E3 Electronics Boutique, Anapolis, $47.99 and Babbages, $52.99.
Tamale 7/2/98 8:16pm Bought MAX2 6/30/98 at Electronics Boutique, Chicago, IL (no price listed)
Shane Fielder 7/2/98 12:23pm Bought MAX2 6/29/98 at Babages, Vinton, VA (no price listed)
Kebler 6/30/98 9:40pm Best Buy, Milwaukee, WI $49.95
Quality is Job 1 6/30/98 4:17pm CompUSA, Norfolk, VA $54.95
Vince Bongiovanni 6/30/98 4:31am Bought MAX2 6/27 at Electronics Boutique (no city or price listed)
Quell 6/27/98 7:00pm Electronics Boutique in Green Bay, WI for $49.99.
GeneralBaldwin 6/27/98 4:12pm Great Mall in San Jose selling it for $49.99.
CaptComal 6/27/98 12:58pm Software Etc Madison, WI has it in stock since yesterday $49.99
Egghead 6/27/98 2:24am EGGHEAD.COM is selling MAX2 for $41.65.
CaptComal 6/27/98 12:13am MAX2 was sold in some stores on Friday June 26.
J 6/26/98 7:51pm Babbages and Software Etc recieved MAX2 yesterday per www.gamelord.com
CaptComal 6/26/98 5:22pm Software Etc says MAX2 is an ACTIVE TITLE. That means it is in their warehouse.
CaptComal 6/25/98 3:34pm Software Etc says it will be available in a couple days.
CaptComal 6/24/98 2:19pm Software Etc, will sell MAX2 for $49.99. Due on June 25.
Sasha 6/23/98 6:01pm Fry's Electronics will sell MAX2 for $50.00
AckCellerator 6/22/98 8:12pm MAX2 Official Strategy Guide at MacMillan Computer Publishing for $19.99. Due July 6, 1998.
Destroyer 6/20/98 11:05pm Pre-buy MAX2 at EBWorld for $49.99. Due June 26, 1998.
CaptComal 6/20/98 10:47pm Preorder MAX2 at Chips & Bits for $44.95
James 6/19/98 9:37pm Max2 Box (empty) at his local Electronics Botique. Stamped "Coming Soon."

Note: the time and date stamp in the MAX2 Watch Logbook are 9 hours ahead of Inteplay time (USA Pacific). Times are adjusted to Interplay time for the chart above.

OK ... mission briefing is over ... head to the MAX2 WATCH LOGBOOK.

If you find any errors please report them to
CaptComal@hotmail.com so they can be corrected. Thanks.
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[Official Interplay M.A.X.2 Site]

NOTE: This website is only in its preliminary stages at this time.  Any comments can be sent to CaptComal@hotmail.com

This site contains material that is copyright (c) 1998, Interplay Productions. All rights reserved.