Pictures from Kirsten's first visit to Madison:

Photos from Kirsten's first visit to Madison
Stand still and let me take your picture
Patria Photographer
Left Foot now...
Rhianon & James Merengue
Merengue lesson before the twirl
Kirsten & Patria Merengue
Loose Hands ... Loose Hands
Rhianon & James Merengue
Merengue lesson during the twirl
Kirsten & Patria Merengue
Salsa Dancing can be fun...
Rhianon & James Salsa
The Grueling Lessons continue...
Kirsten & Patria Salsa
Just follow my feet...
Rhianon & James Salsa
Beard is a bit gray, but just wait...
Len before
Close your eyes so we can put the glitter in
Len after silver beard
Cheek painting to match
Len silver beard and cheeks
See ... Art shoes go with any color beard
Len again
Ready to exit from the lab...
Len & Kirsten ready for Silverman
All that glitters...
Kirsten Glitter'd
Glitter tickles!
Kirsten check the eyelid stickers
It's dark already, why are we still here?
Kirsten & Len with black cape
Trick or Treat
Kirsten & Len outside
Just one more than we're outta here
Kirsten & Len again
The magic sock wave...
Kirsten with magic socks
Um ... you with the camera!
Kirsten - the look
My good side!
Kirsten - the side look
Two lovely ladies in one lovely room
Kirsten & Maria in the lovely living room
OK ... one more then that's it!
Kirsten & Maria again

And here are the same pictures again by photo number:

  1. Patria
  2. Rhianon & James
  3. Kirsten & Patria
  4. Rhianon & James
  5. Kirsten & Patria
  6. Rhianon & James
  7. Kirsten & Patria
  8. Rhianon & James
  9. Len
  10. Len
  11. Len
  12. Len
  13. Kirsten & Len
  14. Kirsten
  15. Kirsten
  16. Kirsten & Len
  17. Kirsten & Len
  18. Kirsten & Len
  19. Kirsten
  20. did not turn out
  21. did not turn out
  22. Kirsten
  23. Kirsten
  24. Kirsten & Maria
  25. Kirsten & Maria

All done...